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Quantum Energy Healing (QEH) is a unique approach to health and wellness that incorporates a combination of intuitive techniques, reiki, shamanic healing practices, theta healing, angelic healing, visualization, sound, crystals, and other powerful tools that I have acquired to facilitate healing and consciousness expansion. QEH is a healing modality that operates beyond space and time and is meant to bring unification of body mind and spirit so we break free from the dualistic perception of reality and reawaken to our true Divine Nature. It supports us remember our cosmic origin and awaken to our individual and unique gifts and talents. Each session might be similarly structured but is completely different as each one of us is unique and has distinctive needs. 

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Reiki is probably one of the most known energy healing modality. Rei translates to Universal and Ki to Energy. Thus Reiki is the Universal/ Vital Life Force energy that flows through all things. The Universal Life Force energy is the energy or frequency of Unconditional love , otherwise known as Chi or Prana This energy is 'intelligent' meaning it directs itself once the channel is open , to the areas of your being needed most. It is a really good tool and service to receive is you are new to the world of energy healing. Reiki energy therapy promotes the overall well-being of a person and brings a deep sense of relaxation, it has also been applied for treating physical, psychological and emotional disorders such as blood pressure, pain, headache, mood disorders, anxiety, wound healing and sleep disturbances. 


Med beds are advanced 5th-dimensional technologies that are being accessible to humanity at the 4rth dimension. Through channelers and light workers the galactic race called 'Blue Avians' made this healing tool accessible to us all. Med beds within the next years will be existing in physical form as well. These beds offer a very unique range of frequencies, in which one can stay for any duration of time They work by utilizing quantum technology, harnessing the power of cosmic intelligence, light therapy and quantum energy to diagnose, treat, and repair the human body at a molecular level.



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Here I create a safe space for you to be heard and guided. We discuss about anything you need assistance with at the moment and I guide you on how to align to your highest destiny. In this space you will receive practical steps as well as energetical support for your mission on earth. Each session is unique and will be accompanied by after communication if needed. 


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